
Assessing medication needs and creating care plans by pharmacists

Pharmacists play a critical role in the healthcare system, and part of their responsibility is to assess patients’ medication-related needs and develop appropriate care plans. To do this, pharmacists must be able to evaluate each patient’s individual requirements and develop a personalized plan accordingly.

This article will discuss the different steps involved in the assessment process and how pharmacists can use this information to tailor their care plans to each patient’s needs.

Gather patient information


The first step in the assessment process is gathering relevant information about the patient, such as medical history, current medications, allergies and lifestyle habits. 

The University of Findlay’s PharmD program online prepares students for licensure as accomplished pharmacists who can improve the quality of life for their patients. This program combines the convenience of online coursework with worthwhile on-campus immersions and community-based experiential learning. Graduates will be able to understand the patient’s situation thoroughly and impact the development of new medications and care plans.

Medical history includes past or current illnesses, surgeries, hospitalizations and other relevant events. Current medications should include all prescriptions, over-the-counter drugs, vitamins, supplements and herbal remedies. Allergies to foods and medications must also be documented. The patient’s lifestyle should include exercise habits, diet, smoking status, alcohol use and other behaviors that may affect their health.

Evaluate the effectiveness and safety of medications


Once all the necessary patient information is collected, pharmacists can evaluate the effectiveness and safety of the patient’s current medications. This involves looking at potential drug interactions, evaluating the efficacy and side-effects, and discussing potential alternatives. By assessing the safety and effectiveness of current medications, pharmacists can identify any potential medication-related problems.

One method is to review the patient’s medical record and compare it with the current medication list. This will help pharmacists identify any discrepancies or changes in the patient’s medication regimen that could impact their medication’s effectiveness and safety. They should also look for evidence of adverse drug reactions or interactions that could affect the patient’s condition.

Pharmacists can also assess medication effectiveness and safety by performing drug utilization reviews. This involves examining data about a patient’s prescription, over-the-counter medications, and any herbals or supplements they may be taking. This allows one to monitor for potentially dangerous combinations or duplications of medications and identify any medication-related problems that could be affecting the patient’s health. 

Identify medication-related problems


It is important that the pharmacist identifies any medication-related problems that the patient may be experiencing. This includes evaluating the patient’s medication regimen adherence, discussing potential side-effects or adverse reactions, and looking for evidence of medication misuse or abuse.

Another role of the pharmacist is to review the patient’s medical history. This should include all current and past medications, including over-the-counter drugs, supplements and herbal remedies. It is also important to consider any allergies or adverse reactions the patient may have had to medications.

Pharmacists also check the patient’s diet and other factors that may affect the effectiveness of a medication. This includes looking at their age, gender, ethnicity, weight, height, and any relevant health conditions. It is also important to discuss with the patient how they take their medications and any potential risks associated with their current drug regimen. 

Finally, pharmacists should consider whether mental or emotional issues could affect the patient’s response to medication. They should also assess any physical limitations or disabilities that could impact the patient’s ability to take their medications as prescribed. 

By carefully assessing these factors and identifying any potential problems before prescribing a medication, pharmacists can help ensure that their patients receive the most appropriate care and achieve the best results from their medications.

Consider patient preferences and goals


When developing a care plan for a patient, it is essential to consider their individual preferences and goals. The pharmacist should talk to the patient about their treatment options and explain the potential risks and benefits associated with each one. Understand how the patient approaches their treatment and what outcomes they hope to achieve.

When talking to patients about their medications, listening carefully to their concerns is also important. For example, if a patient is worried about the side-effects of a particular medication, it is essential to consider that when creating the medication care plan. 

It is also important to consider the patient’s lifestyle and daily habits. This can help inform the plan, as certain medications or dosages may not be compatible with certain lifestyles or activities. Additionally, pharmacists should talk to patients about their long-term goals and objectives and tailor their medical plans accordingly. 

Educate the patient about their medication


Pharmacists are responsible for ensuring that their patients understand their medications. Education about medication includes topics such as how to take the drug, what potential side-effects may occur, and how to store the medicine properly. 

It is also crucial for pharmacists to emphasize the importance of adhering to the prescribed treatment plan. That includes taking the proper dosage at the correct times and following any other instructions given. 

Pharmacists should also give their patients the knowledge they need to make informed decisions about their medication. This could include information about drug interactions, adverse reactions and alternative treatments. 

Additionally, pharmacists should provide resources and tools to help patients self-manage their medications. By educating their patients on the basics of their medication regimens, pharmacists can help them benefit most from their prescribed medications.

Collaboration with healthcare providers


Finally, the pharmacist should collaborate with other healthcare providers involved in the patient’s care. This includes discussing any changes in medication regimens or treatments with the primary care provider or specialist. Pharmacists can also provide drug information and consultation to healthcare providers, assisting in medication selection and dosage adjustment. 

The pharmacist can use this opportunity to get additional insights from the healthcare team and provide valuable feedback. Through these collaborative efforts, pharmacists can play an essential role in improving patient outcomes and overall healthcare quality.

Conclusion: Assessing medication-related needs and developing care plans


Pharmacists are crucial in assessing a patient’s medication-related needs and developing care plans. They utilize their knowledge of drugs, their interactions and their understanding of a patient’s medical history and individual circumstances to create a personalized care plan that addresses the patient’s specific needs. 


This plan may include medication recommendations, dosage adjustments and education on proper medication use. By working closely with patients, pharmacists help to improve medication adherence, prevent adverse drug events, and ultimately improve patient outcomes.