Punjab Text Book Board has taken an initiative to distribute the books online. Both books are now available on Phdcoding.com and the Punjab Text Book Board website. These Books are from Class One to Class 12..
Here is the listing of all text books in unique layout in pdf. you can now loose obtain books of Punjab Text Book Board. These guide are free to be downloaded in PDF for the students and the lecturers. Below are the books to be selected from.
Class Kachi:
Class 1:
- Urdu- 1 2020
- English-1 2020
- Math-1 (EM)
- Math-1 (UM) 2020
- General Knowledge (EM) 2020
- General Knowledge (UM) 2020
Class 2:
- Urdu-2 2020
- English-2
- Math-2 (EM)
- Math-2 (UM) 2020
- General Knowledge (EM) 2020
- General Knowledge (UM) 2020
Class 3:
- Urdu-3
- English-3
- Math-3 (UM) 2020
- Math-3 (EM)
- General Knowledge (EM) 2020
- General Knowledge (UM) 2020
- Aklaqiat
- Islamiyat-3
Class 4:
- Urdu-4
- English-4
- Math-4 (UM) 2020
- Math-4 (EM)
- General Science-4 (EM)
- General Science-4 (UM)
- Social Studies-4 (UM) 2020
- Social Studies-4 (EM) 2020
- Aklaqiat
- Islamiyat-4
Class 5:
- Urdu-5
- English-5 2020
- Math-5 (EM) 2020
- Math-5 (UM) 2020
- General Science-5 (EM)
- General Science-5 (UM)
- Social Studies-5 (UM) 2020
- Social Studies-5 (EM) 2020
- Urdu qawad o insha 1-5
- Islamiyat-5
Class 6:
- Urdu
- English
- Math-6 (EM)
- Math-6 (UM)
- Science (EM)
- Punjabi-6
- Italaqi Barqiat
- Geography (EM) 2020
- Geography (UM) 2020
- Art & Drawing-6
- Choob Kari-6
- Farsi-6
- Zarai Taleem-6
- Dhat Kari-6
- Ikhlaqiat-6
- Computer Education-6 (EM)
- Islamiyat-6
- Arabic-6
Class 7:
- English
- Math-7 (EM)
- Math-7 (UM)
- Science (EM)
- Home Economics-7 (UM)
- Home Economics-7 (EM)
- Italaqi Barqiat
- Arabic Book 7
- Punjabi
- Islamiyat
- Art & Drawing-7
- Choob Kari-7
- Farsi-7
- Zarai Taleem-7
- Dhat Kari-7
- Computer Education-7 (EM)
- Geographic-7 (UM)
- Geographic-7 (EM)
- History-7 (UM)
- Ikhlaqiat
Class 8:
- English-8
- Math-8 (EM) 2020
- Math-8 (UM) 2020
- Arabic
- Geography (EM) 2020
- Geography (UM) 2020
- History (EM)
- History (UM)
- General Science (EM)
- General Science (UM)
- Punjabi-8
- Italaqi Barqiat
- Home Economics 8 UM
- Computer Book
- Urdu Qawaid o Insha 6-8 (Middle)
- Urdu-8
- Islamiat-8
- Art & Drawing-8
- Choob Kari-8
- Farsi-8
- Zarai Taleem-8
- Dhat Kari-8
- Home Economics 8 EM
Class 9:
- Urdu
- English
- Math (EM)
- Physics (EM)
- Chemistry (EM)
- Biology (EM)
- Computer Science (EM) 2020
- Computer Science (UM) 2020
- Home Economics
- Ghiza aur ghizaiyat
- Parcha Bafi (Textile and clothing)
- PNB Computer-09 (EM)
- Chemistry (UM)
- Physics (UM)
- Biology (UM)
- Pakistan Studies-09 (UM) 2020)
Class 10:
- Math-10 (Sc) EM
- Physics (EM)
- Chemistry (EM)
- Biology (EM)
- Computer Science (EM)
- Computer Science (UM)
- Home Economics
- Ghiza aur ghizaiyat
- Parcha Bafi (Textile and clothing)
- Math-10 (Sc) UM
- Urdu-10 (Compulsary)
- PNB Computer-10 (EM)
- PNB Computer-10 (UM)
- Pakistan Studies-10 (UM) 2020
- Pakistan Studies-10 (EM)
- Chemistry (UM)
- Physics (UM)
- Biology (UM)
Class 11:
- Urdu
- English Book I
- English Book III
- Math
- Physics
- Economics
- Statistics
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Islamiyat
- Computer Science
- Civics
- Punjabi Ikhtiari (Adab Khazeeny)
- Ilm-ul-Taleem
- Farsi
Class 12:
- Urdu
- Pakstudy-UM
- Pakstudy-EM
- Chemistry
- Mr. Chips
- Biology
- Math
- Civics
- Economics
- Computer Science
- Statistics
- Physics
- Farsi
- English-12
- Punjabi Ikhtiari (Adab Khazeeny)
- Ilm-ul-Taleem
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